Sunday April 24, 2016
9/11 Treason Continues to Unravel
by Tom Henegan, International Intelligence Expert
9/11 HIGH Treason Co-conspirators
George W. BushFRAUD and Vice pResident Dick Cheney
UNITED States of America - It can now be reported that the U.S. Military Grand Jury operating in Washington D.C. now has total proof that the 9/11 Black Op attacks on the United States was directly ordered and orchestrated by former year 2000 illegal White House occupant, faggot George W. BushFRAUD and his Vice pResident, Satanist Dick Cheney, with the direct assistance of Saudi and Israeli Intelligence.
9/11 HIGH Treason Co-conspirators
NAZI Jews Hillary Rodenhurst and Michael Bloomberg
There is also direct evidence of complicity, cover up and obstruction of justice in the matter of 9/11 by former New York Mayor, homosexual Michael Bloomberg and then New York Senator lesbian demon Hillary Rodenhurst Clinton on the use of explosives planted in the World Trade Center towers weeks before the attacks.
Note: We can also report that current U.S. Secretary of State and George W. BushFRAUD's 3rd cousin, John Kerry "Skull and Bones" Cohen, current U.S. Vice President, Zionist stooge Joe Biden and current Republican Speaker of the House, Bush Crime Family crony Paul Ryan of Wisconsin continue to blackmail alleged U.S. President, foreign born Barack Hussein Obama Soetoro, in regards to the release of the 9/11 "28 pages" tied to Saudi Arabia.
P.S. At this hour, ten (10) major worldwide banks have cross-collateralized energy related loans represented in trillions of dollars of worthless derivatives that are about to go up in smoke leaving HSBC Bank of Englewood, Colorado holding the bag.
911 Evidence Cheney to Mossad - Undeniable Shocking Ignored by Mainstream
Jeb Fears Trump knows Who Was Behind 9/11 Attacks!Dr. Steve Pieczenik breaks down what Donald Trump was really saying to Jeb at the last debate regarding 9/11. Trump knows the truth and has put the bush crime family on notice!
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