Important discovery: Burst of light happens the moment life begins

Important discovery: Burst of light happens the moment life begins

A burst of light gets emitted the moment the sperm meets the egg. And that does it for me, that is the real marker of when life begins. People can do whatever word play they want about stating when it is actually a life, but I'd say whoever designed us left that as the marker of the real truth. And I do not believe for a minute that this was not discovered over a century ago, to think no one knew this until recently is in my opinion a bit narrow minded.
All of this type of research was done in the late 1800's and early 1900's, and it was totally possible to capture this happening at that time, because it is a prominent event that is easily observed. This is a very important huge piece of info, Read more here 
It is interesting this discovery was announced only a couple days after I did a huge abortion rant, the page that rant is on is here and I think that rant is what started the attacks on every cyber cafe machine I touch. Those problems will be OVER today . . . . . it will be impossible to circumvent what I do next . . . .

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