Town Tells Clinton’s They’re “Not Welcome”


“Bill and Hillary Clinton are simply not welcome in our town.“ – City of Logan, W.VA

Onan Coca
May 1 2016

There are few people as polarizing as Hillary Clinton. She is one of the most disliked politicians in American history, and while she may be loved by a majority of liberals, she is loathed by almost everyone else (even a large number of Democrats). 

After losing the Democrat presidential nomination to Senator Barack Obama in 2008, many thought she might actually be able to build her image and become a stronger candidate for 2016. However, the opposite has been true. Instead of becoming more popular and less polarizing, she has careened headlong into a cesspool of negative media coverage based largely on her own criminal behavior, bad decisions, and imprudent political ideas.

For example, while Clinton would love to win West Virginia (and other parts of “Coal Country”), her all-out war on coal makes that unlikely. In fact, the Clinton’s had hoped to travel Logan County, West Virginia ahead of the states primary… but the good people of Logan had a different idea. Namely, that the Clinton’s stay out of Logan County and the city of Logan.

Officials from the city of Logan sent an email to Senator Joe Manchin’s office asking him to make sure the Clinton’s steer clear of their town in the coming days.
While we appreciate all that you and Senator Manchin’s office have done for the
City Of Logan over the years we must make the following statement:
Bill and Hillary Clinton are simply not welcome in our town.  Mrs. Clinton’s anti-coal messages are the last thing our suffering town needs at this point.  The policies that have been championed by people like Mrs. Clinton have all but devastated our fair town, and honestly, enough is enough.
We wish them the best in their campaign, however we again state they are not welcome on our city properties. 
We hope that you will respectfully consider NOT visiting our community
Please don’t hesitate to contact me if you have any questions, 304-xxx-xxxx.  I am writing this on behalf of the City Of Logan. 
Logan officials feel that the Clintons will not adequately support the well-being of its voters.
On March 13, 2014 during a Democratic Town Hall event in Ohio, Hillary Clinton stated ““We’re going to put a lot of coal miners and coal companies out of business.”
Good for the fine folks in Logan! 

Hillary Clinton and her fellow Democrats have been waging war against the hard working miners in Coal Country throughout the Obama era, and it is literally killing several Midwestern economies (Kentucky, Ohio, West Virginia and western Pennsylvania). 

These liberal politicians don’t deserve the time or the respect of the people who their policies are hurting, and more of them need to speak out against a possible Clinton presidency. 

I’ll just go ahead and add my voice to the city of Logan – I don’t want the Clinton’s in my back yard either!

Anywho, the Clintons ignored the good people of Logan and showed up anyway, only to get booed and heckled.

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