From the Pastor’s Corner -

I have been observing this phenomena for several years now since friends of ours introduced us to the currency exchange concept. Yes, we did buy some currency along others we knew then and now have been waiting for the day to exchange.

What I’ve seen is the character of the people both in the church setting and outside.   Also watching the efforts by all parties who claim to be involved with this transition phases to the exchange. Along the way, I was able to create a whole bunch of new friends who introduced me to more friends to the point I can speak with the individuals who actually either know what is going on or has some comment into it.

That is where this really starts to explain the process. One of my friends shared with me that this process would be a global scale tremendous task for a single group to handle. Just the concept of determining who is involved in the catch phrase Cabal, Khazarians, 4th Reich, Crown, Illuminati, etc. and taking them down to the point they are stopped is a huge task. Along that line also, was the identifying Corporate Governments like US is incorporated in France under the corporation name “UNITED STATES, INC”. To understand that the law for incorporation is controlled by the Vatican with Roman law, Canon Law and Holy See. It is to the point you just say, “Come on and stop this cloak and dagger maneuvering of not disclosing. “

So, it appears with international efforts, Russia - Putin, China – President & Elders, plus the White Hats, they have cabal types surrendering as of last week according to the scuttlebutt. While the financial world has moved to Basel III banking to ensure larger amounts of money stays in the bank and currencies used around the world becomes level playing field backed by assets.
So it is time to release the announcements and the funds; we have many folks who have died along the way, who have major sickness, who need major medical or operations and it seems no one is looking at humanity. Once again, for a planet such as ours to mature, even move onto the next level of evolution in development one must master the ability to love thy neighbor as thy self. Well, that just popped up, didn’t it! The Chinese refer to this as setting humanity free. All I see is procrastination at trying to finish this project instead of just doing it! If you are looking for perfection to finish this, it will never be because there are human beings involve, the best you can hope to achieve is excellence.

OK, as I see it for the last x number of weeks, the people of this planet keep hearing the same old rhetoric, it will happen this Sunday night, announcements will be broadcasted and money will be available Monday. Oh, no, it’s May Day now, we can’t work, usually May 1st. Some countries and banks recognize as a holiday. What most people do not understand this is the last day of Festival of Moloch which started April 19th with a blood sacrifice of royal blood, this year known as the singer Prince! So today, they will run around the May pole naked and run into the wood for sex to guarantee a fruitful harvest. Really, Satan worship again!

Once again, we appreciate all the efforts of those individuals, Countries, and organizations to get us to this point. What we do not want to hear or see is more delays. We want to see results, no more paperwork signed in quadruple copies but rather the updated currency released into the banks, the announcements that the people of united States of America are now out of slavery, we have restored the Republic to good standing, all the gold & silver we once had is returned to us, those that assumed they were in charge arrested and placed in jail, that debt forgiveness is for everyone, that exchange centers are open and people can make appointments to exchange, technology that was under National Security Act is released for people to build and deploy, that dependence on oil is gone and that free energy is now the way we operate our homes, and breakthrough technology in medical area is implemented to rid our planet of sickness and disease, that hunger is gone, the weather wars have stopped, the atmosphere is being cleaned along with the water and soil and don’t forget about companies that focus on polluting us in any way may it be food, etc. are shut down and those executives and operational personal are imprisoned for attempted murder and so on!

It’s time to end the stagnation of the man-made artificial scarcity model and move into the natural abundance model. This means action has to be taken and money flowing in the system creating the energy flow needed to move this world forward to positive endeavors. Instead we seem to be stuck in paralysis of analysis cycles. The best way for evil to prevail is for good men to stand by and do nothing. Simply put, get off your butts and finish today!

With love, an American Pastor

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