
4/28/2016 — It happened again — Two large M7.0 + M6.9 Earthquakes struck back to back across the Pacific

by Michael Janitch
A large M6.9 (M7.0) earthquake has struck off the coast of Central America / Mexico.
This follows a M7.0 in the West Pacific a few hours ago.
mexico central america progression earthquake april 28 2016
This now makes TWO TIMES in the past 2 weeks that M7.0 earthquakes struck the West Pacific then the East Pacific.
Just over a week ago, Japan was struck by a mid-M7.0 earthquakethen Ecuador was struck by a M7.0 earthquake several hours later.
A week ago, after the back to back M7.0+ earthquakes across the Pacific, professionals DENIED that earthquakes are related across the plate.... I chastised them last week for denying the obvious... now we see the same thing occur again... back to back M7.0 earthquakes on each side of the Pacific within hours of each other.
Earthquakes ARE related over a distance, and professionals were wrong to deny a connection.
I stand by the science on this, not their dogmas... thus I say again.. EARTHQUAKES ARE RELATED ACROSS DISTANCES.
I'm so glad I made these posts last week! Now I'm vindicated beyond any shadow of doubt.
It is now proved that earthquake progression is occurring across vast distances in short periods of time, earthquakes are related, one earthquake can cause another similar magnitude earthquake elsewhere (sometimes very far away), and that earthquakes can indeed be forecast if you take these factors into account.
The professionals denied a relation between earthquakes in the West + East Pacific even last week.  Professor John Vidale came out to publicly deny a relation between the Japan and Ecaudor M7.0 earthquakes , to deny a West and East Pacific earthquake relation.
Professor Vidale and other well known old thinking Geologists came out over the past week and made BOLD claims that earthquakes are NOT related across the Pacific (or anywhere else).
Read their unscientific denials from this past week here:
“As far as we can tell, these earthquakes aren’t related,” said John Vidale, director of the Pacific Northwest Seismic Network at the University of Washington. “We’ve had plenty of much bigger earthquakes that still don’t trigger earthquakes far away. It’s fairly clear that it’s just a coincidence.”
They were wrong to issue this story last week! Makes them look blockheaded to say the least.
By the way, after doing a detailed search, there was only one person who made an actual post on the internet saying the Japan + Ecuador earthquakes were related... guess who that person was (is)?! :D
Information on this M6.9 from the USGS:

M6.8 - Northern East Pacific Rise

Magnitude6.8 mwp
Location/uncertainty10.251°N 103.762°W± 8.9 km
Depth/uncertainty10.0 km± 1.9
Origin Time2016-04-29 01:33:38.820 UTC
Number of Stations
Number of Phases94
Minimum Distance984.6 km (8.85°)
Travel Time Residual1.03 s
Azimuthal Gap63°

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