4-29-16 Anna von Reitz - Common Law v. Admiralty Law, People v. Persons


4-29-16 Anna von Reitz - Common Law v. Admiralty Law, People v. Persons

Our Forefathers CHOSE the system of Common Law based on the Law of Moses (Ten Commandments) as the Law of the Land and they chose men to serve as judges from among themselves in every county, state, and region. 

If we want to live under that system of law, we have to do the same thing. CHOOSE to live under Common Law, form a jural assembly for our communities as brilliantly summarized by the Michigan Jural Assembly which has already had their Common Law System in place for decades, elect judges to fill the vacant judicial offices, and live accordingly. 

This is the way this country was set up and so far as I am concerned, the way it is still supposed to run. Those who don’t want to accept that are outlaws. Those who do are law abiding. Simple as that. 

We are free to accept, amend, and reject laws within that system as every jury sees fit. That is why we have JURY NULLIFICATION built into this whole process. 

ANY law passed by ANY legislative body in the Common Law System can be nullified by a body of twelve honest Americans sitting as a jury. Such a jury can rewrite a law they find unfair or impractical or they can utterly reject one they find unjust, vague, or unworkable. 

Jury nullification is where the average people called to jury duty get to enforce their will on the entire system— in Common Law, that is. Also, in Common Law, the judge serves the people– he doesn’t tell them what to do. He doesn’t interpret the law. The jury does that. He listens to the arguments along with the jury, maintains fair rules of evidence and argument, asks questions, but at the end of the day, the JURY makes their own decision and the judge executes their sentence.

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